Hollow Space in 3D building

2017, Jun 27    

Yesterday, I learned to create hollow space in a 3D building. For that, you first need to login to this website and then select a building of your interest having hollow space.

  • Click on "Edit" which is located at the upper left corner of the website.
  • Click on "area" and then mark the area of building
  • Then select feature type as Building Features > Building.

  • Fill the necessary details in the fields section and also under tags section like elevation, levels etc.
  • Under all relation click on "new relation" and then select "Multipolygon"
  • Under tag section select Building as Yes.


  • Now you have member section in your features list of Multipolygon.
  • Under member section click on Building
  • Now your Building features list will prompt.
  • Under All relations > Multipolygon, type Outer.


  • Now you have to outline the Hollow section with "Line".
  • After outlining select it as Line.
  • After selecting it as line new features list window will prompt.


  • Under All relation section, click "+" and then select Multipolygon, type role as inner.

